The curriculum at St. Mary’s Catholic School ensures a strong academic foundation and the development of the whole child. The curriculum is delivered through lesson plans designed to meet student’s unique social, physical, emotional and academic needs.
The curriculum meets the standard requirements of TCCED (Texas Catholic Conference) and the State of Texas – Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as well as the objectives set forth in the curriculum guides adopted by the Catholic School Office of the Diocese of Brownsville which are aligned with National Standards. The Principal and Assistant Principal observes and works closely with classroom teachers to serve the needs of all students. The core curriculum is supported by a variety of enrichment classes and programs to support student learning.
Elementary students are provided balanced core curricula of Language Arts, Library, Math, Physical Education, Religion, Science and Social Studies. Students are also offered enrichment classes such as: Art, Music, and Technology. The curriculum is also complemented by field trips throughout the year.
*Texas Edition
Science Fusion
This is a key part of our curriculum that helps the child grow academically, spiritually, emotionally and spiritually. The school counselor is able to provide the following services:
Elementary students are provided balanced core curricula of Language Arts, Library, Math, Physical Education, Religion, Science and Social Studies. Students are also offered enrichment classes such as: Art, Music, and Technology. The curriculum is also complemented by field trips throughout the year.
All students are required to attend religion classes and participate in daily Morning Prayer, weekly Mass, and monthly Eucharistic Adoration and praying of the Holy Rosary. Students also participate in seasonal Para liturgical celebrations, retreats and community service projects.
Teachers have integrated technology into all core curriculum subjects. All core subjects use technology at the appropriate level of student proficiency according to the state’s Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The school is equipped with a Computer Lab and computers in every classroom. Many classrooms are also equipped with projectors, ELMOS and SMART Boards to aid instruction.
Teachers also provide small group Tutorials to meet the individual strengths and weaknesses of each child. Tutoring may occur within the school day if necessary or afterschool.